Reforming fleet string needs to have the f capitalized.One Class A Hydrocarbon bonus missing string.Nausicaan Raider/Ravager Class for the Pirates have a naming paradigm discrepancy.Fleet cohesion strings and related need to be made to look nicer.Work on Planet and Star names to make them better.Remove requirements for research station to avoid rebuild bug with star travel.Scuttle description needs to be rewritten.Civic Infrastructure, Social and Industrial Development need to be reworded to be compatible with the Borg.Large Neutral ships using Fed, Kli, Rom capital ship names."Back button" in UI needs some antialiasing.Miradorn Raider missing ship button icon in UI.Nausicaan raiders missing ship button icon in UI.Total bounty string description still mentions "empire" (top right corner UI).Tachyon Pulse description needs to be fixed.Species 8472 Bioship needs button icon in UI.Orion Pirates have a Nausicaan as portrait - no longer a problem, strings now make it obvious that the Pirates are multi-cultural.Tactics management strings need to be polished.Dreadnought upgrades tooltips needs fixing.CLass Y Demon need more incentive - inc resource extract rate.Check Weyoun 7 Quote "Time to start packing".Class D Planetoid needs quotes so it says 'Planetoid'.Find a way for an AI to never give up and keep doing stuff.Give all AI 4 or 8 more slots in secret research, due to AI getting stuck on planet research and not enough research buildings.Gladius and Javelin bomber icons are differently styled than rest of icons.Gladius and Javelin need to have their green text looked at.Praesidium Constructor (Romulan Starbase constructor) has the Cloak Vessel ability, but no antimatter so it cannot maintain a cloak to begin with.Quantum Absorption on Starbase - making endless noise.Sword of Kahless ability strings need updated,Ībilities get weaker when bastion shield is active.Brell has R_pulse instead of K_pulse as sound for disruptors.
Between star jumping conflicting with needing research stations.Ion pulse on outpost not firing correctly.Klingon battle cloak description needs to be looked at.Ravenous cloak fleet ability description needs to be looked at.Predator Siege Destroyer research description needs to be looked at.Research "The Will of Kahless" goes off screen when hovered over.Klingon SH-J2 Titan Yard description needs to be looked at.Klingon civilian and tactical research base strings need to be looked at."Elite Engineers" description on Ravenous needs to be looked at, in fact, all Ravenous descriptions need to be looked at.Goroth bomber description string needs to be looked at.Qehrall call in ability, still uses old predator need to switch to new predator or ktinga.Viral on 7 of 9 spins starbases, need to look at.Borg Starbase Research for Range and Overall Range increased.
Nor outpost, monac and eaves has stock hud icon.When the Cardassian Titan spawns the Norin class ships the icon in the info card is of an Intrepid.(Dominion Dreadnought) don't change the values on these levels.Hangar Expansion 4 (Hydra Carrier) and Phase Polaron Lance 3(4).Cardassian relationship settings, they are neutral towards borg.Dominion Balance - Caps Lowered to 50 Supply, Supply Rebalanced, Dom gains 1 Cap Ship Slot, Manticore Nerfed Shields.